Cyber Monday Week Long Sale Day 4 @ Hudson's Bay

Cyber Monday Week Long Sale Day 4 @ Hudson's Bay

Happy Thanksgiving! Today for day 4 of the Hudson's Bay Cyber Monday (week long) sale, another special offer is up for grabs.

The Bay has one of the biggest shoe selections around and they've put them on sale with prices starting from $9.10 and up with discounts of up to 80% off. They're advertising prices of up to 40% off for this Cyber special today but I'm definitely finding many prices that have a better discount (of up to 80% off) than that.

Because many of these are clearance shoes, you'll find limited sizing available, so jump over to the shoes before someone else snags the pair you want! You'll be able to refine your search via selecting your shoe size in the link below.

Here are a few selections I found that I think are quite stunning and at a great price, too.

If you purchase additional items (that are not shoes) and pay with your HB card using code CYBER during checkout, you'll get an additional 15% off of those items if they qualify for the discount.

Shipping is free during Cyber week sale!


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