Email Subscribers Please Read: St Patricks Day Sales

Email Subscribers Please Read: St Patricks Day Sales

Tomorrow (Saturday the 17th March 2012) is St Patricks Day and  I've had the Bargainmoose theme Irished up a little bit to celebrate.

But I wanted to give a shoutout to the people who read Bargainmoose by email. Don't wait and read all the St Patricks Day offers in Sunday morning's email - a lot of them might have expired by the time that you do!

We've seen this happen on a few holiday occasions over the last while, such as on Valentine's Day last month. People don't check in on Bargainmoose on the day of the event, and many stores have provided a good deal for one day only. The Moosers have then seen the deal in the daily email from Bargainmoose the following morning, and got annoyed that they missed out on the deal. I get many emails saying that our daily deal email is "broken" - it's not. It can only go out once every 24 hours, so no matter when I choose to send out the daily email, you're still going to miss out on the short-lived deals.

So pop by Bargainmoose on a daily basis, rather than relying on your email. That way, you won't miss out on the best bargains!

Happy St Patricks Day!


Reply to
  • Amanda
    Good to know! Thanks Bargainmoose :)
    • misskitty_79
      That image is offensive.