5 Cheap, Easy & Natural Ways To Dye Your Easter Eggs

5 Cheap, Easy & Natural Ways To Dye Your Easter Eggs


Dying Easter eggs just seems to be such a fun tradition that all kids are happy to do. As a Mom, I worry about the dyes we use in the process. I went to buy a kit yesterday that claimed to be all natural, but the all natural dyes did not look natural to me! I've read studies about how these dyes affect kids and decided it isn't worth it. But, did you know you can dye eggs without an egg-dying kit and it is actually the cheaper way to do it!


Food is the first thing I think of when I think of natural dye. Beets do incredible things to your hands, of course they'll turn your eggs purple or pink. Better Homes & Gardens has a whole list of natural food ingredients you can use as dyes.


Another good staining food is blueberries. Any mother knows this as she steps on one on her clean floors. I certainly do. Long Distance Baking did experiments on which foods work best when dying eggs.


Besides food, the very creative mind at Squirrelly Minds came up with using tissue paper to dye and colour eggs. Genius!


This idea from Rad Megan means you can dye your eggs and recycle your garbage at the same time. She used red onion skin to make these eggs a different colour.


Recycle your old clothing this time using silk ties that you no longer want to dye your eggs. Find the instructions at Not Your Average Sock Monkey.

Bargainmoosers, do you have fun and frugal ways to colour eggs this Easter?

Banner Photo credit: Linda Giddens


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