3 Quick and Easy Last-Minute St. Patrick's Day Treats

3 Quick and Easy Last-Minute St. Patrick's Day Treats

You know those parents who are always ready with a tray full of goodies to share with school and daycare on holidays and birthdays? I'm not one of them. I'm forever intending to show up with some homemade gorgeousness to share with all the kids so that I may bask for the rest of the day in their utter adoration of me, but the reality is the day is alway upon me before I have a chance to do a thing. Instead, I drop my kids off early and run away before anyone can notice that they are arriving empty handed.

But it does not have to be that way! In this Pinterest-dominated existence there are plenty of cute, quick and easy crafts and treats that you can pull together without a ton of planning and preparation—here are three simple Saint Patrick's Day treats that you still have time to make.

For the Crafter

These felt creations are simple to make en mass and perfect for boys and girls. The bobby pin shamrock can easily be adapted into a pin instead, if you've a kids that hates things in their hair (like mine). All you need are a few basic supplies from your local craft or dollar store: stiff felt, glue, buttons, bobby pins (or safety pins) and dowels. Get the step-by-step instructions from Fiskars.com.

For the Baker

Even without a lot of time, you can deliver a tray of cupcakes that are on-theme and delicious. Use a box of vanilla cupcakes (there is no shame), and a basic vanilla icing recipe tinted green with food colouring. Or, if you want to get a little fancy, try the mint buttercream icing picture above—recipe via Zoë Bakes. Bonus points for anyone that decorates the tops with little shamrocks made from green smarties.

For Those (Like Me) Who Are Neither

Doesn't get much simpler than this. Get a box of Lucky Charms, some cellophane treat bags and some green pipe cleaners. Add cereal to bags, twist shut with pipe cleaners. Embellish as you see fit, or not at all! And done.


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