Walmart Canada has a Sunbeam toaster on clearance right now. While the original price is not stated, the toaster will cost you only $11.94 with free shipping. Sunbeam is a household name in appliances, so I assume this toaster works decently well to toast your bread.
While there are no reviews, this toaster should perform just like any other more expensive toaster - it will toast your bread. It is as simple as that. There is the customary dial for how burnt you want your toast (known as the shade setting), and the usual leaver for pushing down and popping up your toast. The shade dial has seven shades to choose from for your toast. The lever will also lift your toast so you can pull it out without burning your fingers.
With the customary hinged crumb tray. This toaster will be simple to clean out when you need. Your only colour choice is white - so you may need to clean this toaster a bit more often than a black one if you want your appliances to stay spit spot clean.
I attempted to price compare this exact model of toaster, but could not find it anywhere else except at Walmart! The same brand and size of slot toaster (slightly newer model I assume), sells for a bit more. There is one on sale at kitchen Stuff Plus for $14.99 plus shipping and Best Buy Canada sells the toaster for $19.78. The next cheapest toaster at Walmart Canada costs $16.88.
While people are not buying new toasters every day, I do see them on the wish lists of people moving out on their own or getting divorced. I am part of a few community swap sites for my city, and toasters are among the appliances frequently requested by teens heading to university, young adults moving out on their own for the first time, and people starting over in a new city and in a new province. Often, when making large life changes, money is in short supply. That is why I think this $12 toaster with free shipping is such a good deal.
(Expiry: unknown)