Wagjag and Cardswap are 2 companies which I post about here on Bargainmoose, the first being a daily deal site and the second being a buy and sell site for gift cards. And today, they've got a combined offer! On Wagjag, you can buy a $25 Cardswap credit for only $10.
Click here to get the deal at Wagjag(Expired)
Having looked through the small print, the main caveat is that the Cardswap credit is for new accounts only - please take this into consideration when you make your purchase. There is only one deal allowed per household.
So when you think about it, there's the potential here to get some great deals on gift cards. Cardswap already sell discounted gift cards, so you can use your $25 credit towards that.
And when I talk about gift cards, don't just think about using them as "gifts." Remember, you can buy these gift cards for yourself and use them towards planned purchases.