Buy a $35 WagJag voucher for LittleSqueaky Feet Shoes for just $15 until April 11 2011. Little Squeaky Feet shoes are made for little boys and girls and they feature removable squeakers that squeak when you child walks.
For those of you not familiar with WagJag, it's a group buying site that offers discounted deals for a limited time. This particular deal is through WagJag Winnipeg, but it can be purchased by anyone since it is valid online only.
This voucher is valid for use online only at You have 1 year to use your voucher and you can buy 2 and additional ones as gifts. The voucher is also valid for use towards shipping. Shipping runs around $8.50- $9.50 per pair and and extra $2 more for each additional pair.
I had these Diva Sandals ($29.99) for my daughter and these cute Uptown Shoes ($29.99) for my boy. For the little ones that are learning how to walk, they are great. Each little squeaky step brings lots of attention! It's very easy to find your little one when they are wearing these shoes!
(Expires 11 April 2011)