Bargainmooser Amanda has emailed me with a useful tip about booking travel arrangements online. I'll paste her words in here then have a chat about it:
I was listening to CBC yesterday, (it could have been friday, somedays the days blur together) and the presenter was talking about booking online, and said that they had found a deal (a trip to mexico I think) and went to check prices elsewhere, and when they went back to the original site (eventually) that the price had increased.
What apparently happens, is the website can read your "cookies" and know you have been researching, and put the price up!!!
Apparently if you clear your cookies, this doesn't happen. Not a coupon, but useful info! Thanks for doing what you do, enjoy the witty comments too, yes, $78 for tea and crumpets is a BIT much.
I've booked travel online a few times, and sometimes the price has increased as I went through the checkout.
I am not sure if this is true though - that it checks your cookies and increases the prices accordingly - I don't see how it can be true as it would be an invasion of privacy. But it wouldn't hurt to delete your cookies just in case.
Are there any Bargainmoosers who are very tech savvy and can comment on the validity of the cookie issue?