Threadless is offering a fantastic deal on international shipping right now: spend $60 and pay only $6 shipping! Regularly international shipping runs $10 - $15. Team this promotion up with the Threadless clearance area and you can get a lot of shirt for $60.
Here are some shirts I could see getting:
- Love (W & M) $5
- Our Fathers Were Addicts(W) $5
- Dark Forest(W & M) $5
- Swan Song(W & M) $5
- Flamenco(Select - W) $9
- Dive With me:(Select - W) $9
- My other Ride is a Light Cycle (M) $5
At the cheapest: $5 a shirt in the clearance section - you could get 12 shirts for $60 to qualify for the $6 shipping. That is A LOT of shirts - especially because most of these cost $18 - $20 full price.
Check out Anna's thread on the forum community on how to get a coupon for $5 off $25. Stack it on top of this offer!