The Source Canada has done a fabulous price job on those sweet Blackberry Playbooks. I already bought one for my Mother as a gift, but the price is getting so fabulous I am tempted to get one for myself.
- Get a 16GB for $129.99
- Get a 32GB for $149.99
- Get a 64GB for $199.99
You can also check out the bundles. This 64GB Blackberry Playbook Bundle - is the same price ($199.99) as just the Blackberry Playbook... but you also get a Gnarlyfish case and screen protector. Another bundle which is the same price as just the device is this 32GB Playbook Bundle for $149.99. You also get the case and the screen protector with the device.
Just food for thought: this is in many ways comparable to a iPod Touch as it has wifi and can do other things than just a music player, has a touch screen.. etc. However, a 64GB iPod Touch will run you $399. Big price difference.
Expiry: 23rd, September 2012