If you buy quite a lot of items from The Body Shop, check out this deal which you may not be aware of. The Body Shop offer a membership card for their stores. The initial outlay for the card is $10.
To see the deal, click “love your body club” at the top right.
Now if you think about it, in order for the discount card to pay off, you’d have to spend at least $100 per year at The Body Shop stores. E.g. Spending $100 gets you $10 discount. As the card cost $10, you’re breaking even. There are also other bonuses, such as a gift on your birthday. Here is a full list of the benefits:
- 10% off all purchases from The Body Shop for one year including The Sale and all Value Offers
- A birthday gift when you come in during your birthday month, retail value up to $10
- Special offers by e-mail (if you provided us with an e-mail address)
- Customer appreciation days
- Rewards with 4th and 8th qualifying purchase (A gift on the 4th eligible purchase of more than $25.00 (maximum Gift retail value of $15) and a gift on the 8th eligible purchase of more than $25.00 (maximum retail value $25) and free Membership renewal for a year on 8th eligible purchase starting on that date)
You cannot order the membership card online, you’ll have to do it in-store.
I love browsing in The Body Shop. They have some gorgeous merchandise!! I really love their new cherry range of beauty products, particularly the shower gels.