For a total of $55 (including shipping) you can get a Professional Tourmaline Flat Iron from Le Angelique ($208 Value). This would make a great Valentine's gift that is both thoughtful and practical for your fem lover.
In-case you get redirected to your home city - you can find this deal under Winnipeg.
You get a choice of Silver and Black, Silver and Pink, or J’aime Paris. I personally love the Paris option!
The voucher costs $44 and you will pay the additional $10 for shipping at checkout. There is no redemption necessary - your order will automatically be filled within a few days after the deal closes.
The flat iron comes with a lifetime warranty. The company is 100% Canadian owned and operated so no phone calls to help desks overseas! I like this as a gift because they are both beautiful, but also practical for a girl that likes to straighten her hair.
Expiry: 24th January 2013