Super Cheap Laser Printers @ Staples

Super Cheap Laser Printers @ Staples

Attach frickin' laserbeams to these printers!

Here are some of the better deals available:

There are a lot of good printers here from the $100 "home" printers to $1500 enterprise printers. Of the batch, I think the Samsungs are the best deals for the demographic who reads bargainmoose but if we have any enterprise purchasers out there, HP has a great enterprise level printer available. In any event, that Colour printer from Samsung is an amazing deal. On top off all that, shipping is free for purchases over $50.

I remember when no-one had laser printers at home because even the low-end ones were stupid expensive. I was thinking about why these have become so cheap where a lot of other printers, like Inkjet printers, haven't really come down in price much. I think it's because there haven't been any major innovations in Laser printing in quite some time. Inkjets get features added fairly regularly. Most of these amount to better quality and faster printing but laser printers are kind of at an upper limit of speed and quality with current technology. Sure there are improvements but they aren't enough to push the price up or keep it level.

And all this means that you, the consumer, is very happy.

(Expires: 5th June 2012)


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