You may not be able to control how much you pay in taxes, but you can control how much you pay for your tax software. SimpleTax Canada is a pay what you want tax filing service that is NETFILE certified. Use their software to file your taxes this year and pay what you want for the software, even if that is $0.
The website is slick and the software, from what I have heard, is very easy to use. SimpleTax has many winning features. The simple layout is easy on the eyes and easy to select the options you need (via an amazing search engine) while inputting data. The entire return is on one page and your refund is continuously recalculated as you progress through the form.
SimpleTax will also help your find the right combination for the highest discount. Are you filing with a spouse? SimpleTax well tell you how to split things like donations, political contributions, public transit amounts, medical expenses, pensions, and more so you get the highest refund possible.
SimpleTax also offers several guarantees. They guarantee the highest refund possible. If someone else finds a higher amount, then they will reimburse you the amount you paid for the software. They also guarantee that their calculations are accurate. Finally yet importantly, the power is really in your hands. If you do not like their software then you do not need to pay a cent - and you can still file your return with them.
Now, there are a few other free tax software packages out there - but most of them you have to download and not all of them are NETFILE certified. SimpleTax Canada works in your browser so there is no need to download any software. It is also PC, Mac, Linux, and iPad friendly.
People may look at SimpleTax and think it is a free tax software. In many ways it is, but companies like this need funds to continue offering such a stellar product for such a low cost. I think of this model as a 'give what is within your means' to the developers. If you cannot afford anything, then you can use SimplyTax for free. If you can afford a few dollars then I recommend paying them that so this time next year you can find the same offer.
(Expiry: Unknown)