Shutterfly Coupon Code for FREE Magnet / Mousepad / Luggage Tag - Just Pay Shipping! (US)

Shutterfly Coupon Code for FREE Magnet / Mousepad / Luggage Tag - Just Pay Shipping! (US)


This weekend at, you can take advantage of a very handy special offer that they’re running just now. Using the coupon code below, you can claim either a free customisable mousepad, a free customisable magnet or a free small luggage tag – all you have to pay for is the shipping fees!

Click here to use the Shutterfly coupon code online now

  • CouponCode: YOURCHOICE
  • Discount: Free magnet, mousepad or small luggage tag
  • Expires: 16th February 2015

When testing the above coupon code, I chose the Photo Gallery Set of 4 2x2 Magnets. This item costs $14.99 and when I customised it, added it to my shopping cart and applied the promo code, it discounted to ZERO. You can see that in this screenshot:


That’s a free item worth $14.99! As for the shipping fee – I believe this depends on what you are buying. E.g. The magnet above incurred a $4.99 shipping fee. I tested the coupon code out with a $9.99 mousepad and the shipping was $9.99. For the luggage tag, the shipping fee is $6.99.

So for an amount of between $5 and $10, you can order one of these free Shutterfly items. Why not customise it and make it as a gift for a friend or family member? Even if their birthday is months away, it’s great to take advantage of offers like this while they are available. Then, you’ll have it ready at birthday time!

As most of you probably are already aware, Shutterflyis actually a US company and products ship from there. So, there is a small issue with customs and duties when you place your order. They’re not charged at checkout, but you may be liable to pay extra at your door. The Canadian customs limit is $20 though, so it’s more than likely that if you ONLY order this free item, you won’t have to worry about paying anything extra whatsoever.


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