*** Contest closed, winner is Bargainmoose Tammy! ***
I don't really do very much on Facebook for Bargainmoose, so I thought I would do a quick contest to let people know that you can also follow us on there. Simply "like" us over on Facebook, and you'll be entered into this contest!
I'll give you a choice of prizes as I've got some credit to spend here:
- $50 credit on Wagjag
- $50 prize on Dealticker
- $50 prize on StealTheDeal
- $50 prize on Buytopia
One winner can choose prizes to the value of $50 from any of the above sites. There's tons to choose from - restaurant deals, hair styling, massages, entertainment, and more. Hopefully it will be a nice treat for one of the Moosers.
I'll pick one of the Facebook followers at random. If you're already liking us on Facebook, you will be automatically entered. Good luck!
(Ends 25th March 2012, Canadian entrants only)