Fancy yourself a car repair expert? Get the tools to do the job from PrincessAuto for only $99.99.
This isn't going to have broad appeal here, I suspect, but it's still a good deal. As usual I checked Canadian Tire, Princess Auto's biggest competitor, for a price comparison and an almost identical set is $169.99. The regular price on the Princess Auto one with $159.99. You're saving $60 so you get it for $99.99. Shipping to me on the east coast is about $20 so if you live close to their shipping facility (in BC, i think) then it'll be cheaper. You may also be able to get this deal in store.
This is basically a hydraulic system that lets you manipulate the body and frame of a car. Generally this is something you need to do after you get in an accident or something. This is definitely something I'm going to leave to the pros but there are people out there with way more skill and confidence than I have who would definitely be up for the challenge.
It seems like something you might buy once and never use again but I've never been to a body shop for less than $300 (and that might have just been parts) so if I could cut out the labour portion of the bill by doing it myself, I'd definitely be saving money by getting this.
Do you do your own car work? Let me know in the comments below!
(Expires: 2nd March 2014)