Calling all pet lovers! I blog about this Petcetera event almost every time it happens because it is a great one. When you spend $50 or more in stores at Petcetera, you will get a gift card for $25 to use on future purchases.
There will be no expiry date or minimum purchase for the gift card, so you can save it and use it on whatever you would like. You will only be allowed one card per purchase, so if you need to get a lot of pet supplies, I would personally break up your shopping trip into two.
Head in one day and get $50 or more worth, and then head in another day and get another $50 or more worth. This way, instead of spending $100 on items and getting one $25 gift card, you will spend that same $100 on items and get two $25 gift cards. I have done this many times and I save my gift cards for a big purchase like a ton of dog food or other supplies I might want.
As always, this deal excludes the purchase of gift cards, services or adoptions, but anything else you buy will get you this free gift card.
(Image credit: Laura Bergerol)
(Expiry: 27th October 2013)