Perfectpartybycody Coupon Code Exclusive

Perfectpartybycody Coupon Code Exclusive


We've been sent an exclusive coupon code by Perfectpartybycody, an Ottawa based party goods store, never before mentioned on the moose!

Click here to use the Perfectpartybycody coupon code

  • CouponCode: 7163
  • Discount: 10% off
  • Expires: 31st December 2010

I think their party packs are a good idea. My nephews have gone through phases of liking certain characters, and themed birthday parties are a real treat. One of my little nephews would absolutely love the Ben 10 party pack!

As for me, I would love the Hawaiian Luau party stuff, especially in the middle of a long cold winter.

There might even be a few things on there if you're planning for the Christmas holidays. My sister is going to be having the whole family over on Christmas day, and that might end up being about 20 people. I hope to help her out though, and don't want her to pay for everything. I'd like to get things like the table decorations, tableware, Christmas crackers, and little things like that. I will be price comparing on perfectpartybycody!



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  • Sarah
    Love Love Love Perfect Party!!!! Fast shipping and amazing customer service!!!