Nestea Offer: Free $25 PrePaid Mastercards!

Nestea Offer: Free $25 PrePaid Mastercards!

This is a pretty good offer from Nestea, worth telling you about! If you buy certain specially marked Nestea items, you can claim free $25 pre-paid Mastercards!

You have to buy one of these set packages:

  1. 4 x 12 (341mL) can packs of NESTEA, NESTEA Cool, or NESTEA Vitao
  2. 8 x 1.89L cartons of NESTEA
  3. 10 x 2L bottles of NESTEA Cool
  4. 10 x 10 (200 mL) tetra packs of NESTEA
  5. 12 x 473/591 mL bottles of NESTEA, NESTEA Cool, or NESTEA Vitao

Specially marked packages available only in limited quantities for a limited time. Offer ends when specially marked packages are depleted or August 31, 2009, whichever is earlier.

Once you buy the Nestea products, you must clip the tokens from the packaging and also remember to keep your receipts.

Good deal, eh? I reckon if you can find the items on special offer at your local supermarket, then they are actually paying you to drink their product! Each household can claim 3 of the $25 Mastercards, a total of $75.

Normally I am not a big fan of mail-in rebates, but this does seem to be a very good offer. I highly recommend you read all the terms and conditions on the website very closely, and make sure you follow them to the letter.

I really like Nestea – I find it very refreshing. Actually, in the hotter weather, I love a cool glass of iced tea with a few ice cubes in it. This is the prefect opportunity to stock up on some bargains!

Good luck!


Reply to
  • Joy
    Got my card this week. Already used it. Be sure to read the directions for use, it could save some hassle when using it. Most people have never seen a prepaid credit card and have no idea how to use it.