Live Out There has some really fantastic deals on right now as you may have noticed from a few previous posts. While looking for a new pair of runners without shelling out at my local store, I found a bunch of Montrail shoes for 70% off and free shipping.
There are eight styles on sale. Many of these styles only have one or two sizes still available. However, there are a few with a fetter selection.
The Women's Rogue Raceris a trail racer with a low profile. The shoe is ultra-lightweight with a good grip. Originally $119.99, this pair of runners is on sale for $36. Sizes 6.5, 7, 7.5, and 8.5 are still available. The shoe also appears to be quite breathable with the upper honeycomb style mesh. Enjoy the bright blue and neon green colour scheme to brighten up your run.
The Women's Fluidfeel Shoe is built for trails, for pavement, and really to be the best all-terrain shoe you can buy from Montrail. If you need a pair of runners to take you from the woods to the grocery store - check these out. The muted black and greys will not stand out while the pink highlights provide a nice feminine touch. Originally $119.99, the shoes are on sale for $36. Sizes 6, 6.5, 7.5, 9.5, and 10 are in stock.
The Montrail Women's Fairhaven is a trail runner shoe for those who might run across pavement occasionally. The shoe features good grip for trails, a comfortable insole, and FluidPost stability technology for optimal support. Originally $129.99, the Fairhaven runner is now on sale for $39. Between the two different colour options, there are five sizes still in stock.
I neither run nor hike trails very often. The height of my off-road exercise occurs when I cut across fields, as it is the most direct route to my destination or climbing over small rocks and walking along the rocky British Columbia coast. Given my usual habitat, I would opt for the Fluidfeel shoe as it handles pavement and a little off-roading as well. I just do not do enough hiking to justify having a separate hiking shoe.
Not only are these shoes an excellent deal, but they all qualify for free shipping as well. Shoes are not exactly the lightest things in the world (they are bulky too) so this is one of my favourite parts of this deal.
(Expiry: Unknown)