Insane Indie Android, iOS and Windows/Mac/Linux Game Discounts! WhyBecause?! We May!

Insane Indie Android, iOS and Windows/Mac/Linux Game Discounts! WhyBecause?! We May!

Wanna stick it to the MAN!? Buy your indie game from stores that let developers set their own prices! Yeah, take that MAN!!

I'm an Android guy so I'm going to link to the Android games that are on sale that I think are best but you can get them for tons of other platforms. These links all go directly to the Google Play Store so if you want to see ALL the deals, use the link above.

I love you all like family so I'm gonna be straight with you. This sale has me very, very upset. There are games on here that I paid $5 for on my Android tablet and they are on for $2 or even $1. BAH!!

To satiate my need for the blood of the app developers who don't have sales when I think they should (which is 5 seconds before I buy their games) I will.... buy... buy more games... Darn it...

Ok, seriously though. This sale is nuts. There are some real top-notch games here. I'm talking Cannabalt HD, Osmos HF, Field Runners, DeathSpank, Word of Goo and dozens of other games. These things are heavily discounted too.

If you are at all into gaming on PC, Mac, Linux, Android or iOS, check this out right now!

(Expires: June 1st)


Reply to
  • Bargainmooser
    The prices you are saying here a different to the ones after following the to link, e.g, world of Goo is showing up as $2.99 (not 1.99) with the was price as $9.99 (not 4.99). If you click on the links that get you to the exact game, the price is $1.99 Just wandering what's up with that
    • Anna W.
      Hi! World of Goo and Osmos are showing up correctly for me here, the prices Shawn mentions. Fieldrunner is showing as $2 though, so a change there. Osmos is a fantastic game, played it on PC and iPad. Really like World of Goo too!
    • Shawn M.
      The prices I mentioned are for Android only. Prices for others platforms will vary. For example, as you mentioned, World of goo is more on Mac and Windows.
      • Shawn M.
        I made the changes right before yo) commented! =)