Husky Fuel Coupon: $3 Off

Husky Fuel Coupon: $3 Off


Here's a Husky Fuel coupon which will get you a $3 discount if you buy 25L or more.

I know $3 isn't a hell of a lot of a discount, but it's better than nothing! And with the ever-increasing price of gas, it's nice to save a bit of cash.

You could be sneaky too - print out the coupon a few times. Only put 25 litres of fuel in your car, use a $3 coupon. Go back a little while later, put in another 25, use another coupon. Rinse and repeat.

Both Bargainmoosers Amanda and Bill emailed me this deal - thank you guys!  And thanks for the pic futureatlas.

(Ends 4th July 2010)


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