If you are on the hunt for a new wallet, tote, or handbag - then now is your chance. Right now The Bay has a ton of new handbags and more added to their sale section, with brand names like Guess, Kenneth Cole, Tommy and more from $22.12 - $105 and up to 70% off.
The very first bag that caught my eye is the Guess Amber Satchelwhich is on for $65.25 down from $145. The stripes just woo me, and it would look great with any outfit this Fall.
Crossbody bags are great too - just check out this Ralph Lauren Paley Leigh Crossbody Bagwhich is on sale for $69.93 down from $148. For something a little more colourful, yet still reserved enough to use everyday, check out the Tommy Hilfiger Striped Crossbody Bagwhich is $39.60 down from $88.
There are several bags to choose from - so be sure to have a browse around and get the one that suits you. I know I can be super picky about my purse! TheBay.com offers free shipping on orders over $99.