Guinness World Records 2016 Hardcover Now $12.23 @

Guinness World Records 2016 Hardcover Now $12.23 @


Woo! One of my favourite books to flip through with the family is currently on sale. Right now you can get the Guinness World Records 2016 Hardcover for 65% off at Can you believe you will only pay $12.23 for this popular book!? Get free shipping on orders over $25. Amazon Prime members get free shipping either way.

The Guinness World Records 2016 Hardcover was originally $34.95 at I flipped through it at Chapters the other day and it was priced even higher than that, so you can bet that this price is a steal. For just $12.23 you can read about so many interesting world records with the entire family.

This world's best-selling annual book is back and booming with so many new records. I buy this book almost every year to read about the world's longest hair, the biggest Smarties collection and so much more. I just find them so intriguing, and you will too. The kids will especially like reading about talented pets, superhuman achievements, the world's biggest potato and more. Won't you?

Amazon Prime members will get free shipping with this purchase, otherwise you will need to spend $25 to have the shipping and handling fees included in this purchase.

(Expiry: Unknown)


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