'Gotta Getta Gund' is a phrase I remember hearing a lot in my childhood.
Chapters Indigo is selling Gunds for 20% off. Stuffed toys still have a place in everyone's heart, these are toys that will never grow out of style.
The Gund brand always proven to be an exceptionally high quality. There's quite a selection of Gunds to choose from at Chapters. Pusheen the Cat for tweens & teens, Super Heroes for hero wannabes and Sesame Street for the younger crowd.
Check out these cute Gunds:
Puppy$18.36, reg. $22.95
Monkey 23.96 reg. $29.95
Baby $39.95. She isn't a Gund and she isn't on sale, but she is utterly adorable and I wanted a baby in this particular trio. ;)
When you check out, you can pick up your Gund toys in-store for free if you'd like, or, orders over $25 ship for free. Shipping fees otherwise seems to start at around $7.