Okay, seriously, this inflatable swan is fantastic. Celebrities even think so! Taylor Swift, Calvin Harris and Kim Kardashian have all had their photos snapped while aboard this Giant Swan Inflatable Ride On Pool Toy. Right now this swan is just $33.99 at Amazon.ca, which is much cheaper than anywhere else is selling it. Shipping and handling is even included.
Make this purchase and you can climb aboard your very own Giant Swan Inflatable Ride-on Pool Toy. I mean, who wouldn't want to float around on a 75 inch swan while drinking wine? It even has handles so the kids can enjoy it as well. It is made of heavy duty vinyl, so it will be able to hold up to whatever you have your mind set on. The kids can climb all over it, flip it over and knock each other off of it in the pool for hours of endless fun.
This over sized inflatable swan is sure to be the talk of your next pool party. Get free shipping on orders over $35.
, pour notre super-party cet été!!

Maintenant tu l'as dit alors c'est officiel. Il est temps que j'aille me dénicher un nouveau bikini!
Ouais, pis moi, il est temps que j'aille me dénicher... le body qui va avec! Misère...
Allez. Au boulot! Et tu n'ad qu'à demander à Justine Brunelle de te donner des recettes de "smoothies" au chou frisé. Miam.
Got 2 white and 1 gold one already!! Lol
, , we need these. They will go with the pink one we have
Ok. So when are you buying them??