Three Coupon Codes to Make Your FREE Trial Even Better! Three Coupon Codes to Make Your FREE Trial Even Better! always has great free trials on their products. That is one of the best things a company can do. They are essentially saying that they have so much confidence in their product that they'll give it to you for free.

These are the codes available. I'll explain them below.

  • Coupon Code: 15DAYFAST
  • Discount: 15 Day FREE Trial + Fast Return on new Platinum accounts
  • Expiry: Unknown
  • Coupon Code: 30DAYSOFFUN
  • Discount: 30 Day FREE Trial on new Platinum Accounts
  • Expiry: Unknown
  • Coupon Code:SAVEITFORME
  • Discount: Two months of "save a game" feature on new Platinum accounts
  • Expiry:Unknown

Two of these FREE trials have some good additional features. The first one has fast return which is, as you can well imagine, an expedited return feature. This is good mainly for the one game at a time account. You can't get your new game until they receive the one you shipped back. This gets it to them faster. I suppose it would be useful on the other ones if you really wanted to get one specific game right away or if you are sharing a multi-game account with someone else. This feature is normally $3.99/month.

The save a game feature lets you hold a game that is out. It's like having the guy at the movie store stick a game under the counter when it comes back. You can also reserve unreleased games so you get them as soon as possible when they come out. This feature is normally $2.99/month.

GameAccess has games for all current and last gen consoles as well as some handhelds. There is no purchase necessary, you can cancel the service when the free trial ends, if you'd like!

(Expires: Unknown)


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