Future Shop Canada: All Blackberry Playbooks $299.99

Future Shop Canada: All Blackberry Playbooks $299.99

Choose any Blackberry Playbook from Future Shop, all for the same price of $299.99. Save $400 off a 64GB Blackberry Playbook from Future Shop. This is one hot deal and it won't last long before these are all taken!

Regular $699.99, now $299.99, this is the lowest price ever on the 64GB Playbook. Here is a review:

Awesome tablet. Multimedia definitely best in terms of video and sound. Perfect size for transport ability... fits in my coat pocket but screen great size to see everything I want to see... especially with "four corner expansion" which is ridiculously smooth and quick. Connects to my old BB via bluetooth with no problem, will be better when I upgrade model with bridge. Multitasking best of all tablets. Most complaints are about apps but android apps available at a token price around $1. I own an android tablet (which I also love but is the larger screen version and not as portable). I was able to buy both tablets at less cost of an ipad. Yes, ipad is great but I got the most bang for the buck for what I was able to purchase. The world will eventually figure out that the BB playbook is the best tablet, especially in a business world.

Unlike the same deal at The Source, there is no limit as to how many you can purchase. Shipping is free on orders over $20.

Not sure why anyone would purchase a 16GB playbook at the same price as a 64GB!

Expiry: Unknown


Reply to
  • Becci
    Best Buy has it too, of course. They all seem to match deals these days. Too bad I bought the 32gb at $249. I would so love to have the 64gb for just $50 more!