When did you last buy a new handbag? Handbags can cost less than shoes, and everyone loves having a new handbag.
Shop.ca offers free shipping, and the selection of wallets, handbags and totes is unique, and there are a lot to choose from.
I can't seem to take my eyes off of this Tote Bag, it's very endearing... it's only $16.99, down from $23.99.
Everyone who has a handbag needs this! This Best Desu Bag Organizer is on sale for $18.00 down from $28.00. If my home can't be well organized maybe I will start with something smaller that's more manageable.
This Luxanne School Girl Green Cross Body Bag is on sale for $18.50 down from $25. You can select a few different colours in this style. When I see the name of it, I think, "Never mind that I don't go to school - this is the perfect size bag." It's small enough to carry the basics.
A hanging toiletry bag is much better than a typical travel bag. This Swiss Gear Hanging Toiletry Bag is on sale for $24.99, after saving $10.
Check out this freshly picked Blush Peony Messenger Bag in blue, for $24.99. The reg. price is $34.99. This dusty, muted tone would blend with a lot of clothing and accessories.
Shipping is free at Shop.ca with a few exceptions such as large or over-sized items, that are excluded from the free shipping.)
(Deal expiry: Unknown)