Syndicate is the new on the house game of the month. Regularly priced at $4.99, this old but good game is now FREE to download for the month of March.
As with all on the house deals at, this is an older game - released in 1993. The game is available for PC only, and once you claim this deal, the game is free for you to keep. This is not a demo and this is not a trial. The game is yours permanently.
I assume that nostalgia will fuel most people who claim this game. If you played Syndicate back in the day, I am sure you are going to have a blast running through it again. Sure, graphics has come a long way since 1993, but it is sometimes fun to go back and play the games of our childhood. Here is a brief description of the game if you are not familiar:
You are an ambitious marketing director in the Syndicate, hand-picked to lead a team of cyborg mercenaries. You work in the problem-solving department and you are damn good at "taking care" of problems. Some might say that violence is not the answer but you know better. There here are hardly any problems that you can't solve with a well-placed bullet.
Except for the cyborgs, that sounds pretty much like a lot of business transactions in large multinational companies these days. They just 'wipe out' the competition. Oops!
I looked up the game on GOG for some reviews. This old game has an overall rating of 4.5/5 stars and the reviews blather on about how awesome this game was for the day and how going back to play the game has been fantastic. While you see the errors in the game now, it is still an immersive experience that is fun and rewarding. One reviewer said:
Absolutely epic cyberpunk tactical action. The sprite graphics are pretty for what they are and surprisingly satisfactory for being from 1993. The sound is fantastic. The Uzi and minigun droning is disturbingly pleasing, and the music suspenseful.
There is more to this review, you can check it and other reviews out on GOG where the game (plus expansion) retail for $5.99.
(Expiry: 31st March 2015)