FREE Reflection (Deluxe) Album by Fifth Harmony @ Google Play ($13 Value)

FREE Reflection (Deluxe) Album by Fifth Harmony @ Google Play ($13 Value)


If you are into free music, we have an entire album for you to pick up at the Google Play Store. The album Reflection (Deluxe) by Fifth Harmony is a pop album with 14 glorious songs on it. Even better, the entire album is free.

If you like pop music, then you will want to get your hands on this album while it is still free. The non-deluxe version currently costs $9.49, so you know the deluxe version is worth more. I checked with iTunes where the album retails for $12.99. Thus, this album has a $13 value in album form. If you were to just buy it on a per song basis, each song would cost you $1.29 and there are 14 songs. As you can see, this is a fantastic deal.

I am not much into pop myself (more of a rock/metal girl), so I do not know much about this band. I recommend reading through the reviews on Google Play as they can provide a wealth of information. Overall, the album has a 4.7/5 rating with the vast majority of reviews at 5 stars. However, there will always be haters in every crowd so if this is not your genre of music... you might not want it. For those into pop, this reviewer says:

This album is really great, combining electronic sounding tunes with an early 2000s vibes. I am thoroughly impressed with the girls and their development since they left X-Factor after almost winning. It's rare to see a group, especially a girl group, reaching their potential and being so cohesive. Personally, I prefer the acoustic version of We Know, but that is the only thing I would personally change.

I didn't even know these girls were on X-Factor... that is super cool! I haven't watched that show in ages but I have some friends who really like that sort of show and watch it avidly. It appears that the song "Worth It" is the most popular on the entire album. If you are new to this group, then you may want to try that song first.

Hey Moosers, have you watched the X-Factor?

(Expiry: Unknown)


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