Free Giveaway @ Toys R Us' Roadshow Tour (Select Locations & Dates)

Free Giveaway @ Toys R Us' Roadshow Tour (Select Locations & Dates)


Throughout the months of July and August, the Roadshow Tour will be stopping at select Toys R Us stores in Canada with a free giveaway!

Toys R Us only launched this event on Facebook a couple of days ago, so it's definitely on the short notice side and there really isn't too much information about it.

No tickets are required to attend the event. There was one at Barrie, today on Sunday, July 5th, but looks like it's too late now. All you need to do is show up between 11am and 1pm at these select locations at the following dates:

  • 8th July (Wednesday): Pickering
  • 9th July (Thursday): Sherway
  • 16th July (Thursday): Richmond Hill
  • 29th July (Wednesday): Newmarket
  • 30th July (Thursday): Winston Churchill
  • 6th August (Thursday): Markville
  • 7th August (Friday): Woodbridge
  • 12th August (Wednesday): Vaughan
  • 19th August (Wednesday): Kitchener
  • 20th August (Thursday): Dufferin Mall
  • 27th August (Thursday): Whitby

Also, keep in mind that only one giveaway is available per person.

It would seem that the Roadshow Tour is also centered around the following popular kids' characters: Shopkins, The Zelfs, Trash Pack and Johny Test, which assumingly means that the freebies may have them as their theme!

There isn't more information than this available for The Roadshow Event but my suggestion is that if you're interested in attending, give the specific Toys R Us store a call to find out more and to double check that there will indeed be a giveaway on that date! I doubt you'd want to get your kid(s) all hyped up, only to show up and there be no Roadshow!

(Expiry: 27th August 2015)


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