Here's Gift Wrap You Can Use Over and Over

They start at $12 shipped, but supplies are selling fast!
Here's Gift Wrap You Can Use Over and Over

There's no denying that Christmas celebrations can generate a lot of waste. All the wrapping paper, packaging and leftovers that never get eaten usually end up in landfills, and there are a few things families can do to have a more eco-friendly holiday. At the top of that list? Swapping out traditional wrapping paper for alternatives.

Now let me clarify. I absolutely don't think you should take the joy of tearing through wrappings away from your kids. You can wrap presents in brown butcher paper (which is usually recyclable) instead of the traditional Christmas-patterned rolls that have to go to the trash – or you can invest in things like these.

Québec-based Etsy seller La petite boite co. makes all kinds of zero-waste goodies, including these sustainable cloth wraps you can use for Christmas gifts and just about anything else, honestly. They come in two sizes and a few colours, starting at $12 shipped. But the best part? You can use them over and over again!

I'm not crafty at all, so I don't think I could make anything like this on my own – and I definitely don't have spare fabric just laying around my house. But if you do, you could always try to create something similar!

If you're shopping for adults, you can always attempt to wrap their gifts in (new) dish towels, linen napkins or something similar. That way, you're not being wasteful and using a bunch of wrapping paper, tissue or cellophane, and they'll get a bonus gift or two! I've also seen similar things done with baby blankets.

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