I think there's one thing just about all cyclists can agree on: even if you have a basket attached to your handlebars or you wear a backpack when you ride, there's just never enough places to put all your stuff.
Well, now there's a company trying to change that. An Etsy seller that's based in Kyiv, Ukraine designs accessories that can help make your commute to work (or anywhere) a little easier. They make handcrafted baskets, soft bicycle-seat covers and – my personal favourite – wine-bottle holders!
And while you definitely shouldn't drink and ride, these things are perfect for those after-work trips to the liquor store. Now, you can safely carry that bottle home at the end of the week or to a party, and you won't have to worry about it knocking against anything else in your bag or basket and accidentally breaking.
They're made by BikeMeStore and are available in two different styles made to suit different bike body structures. Both are crafted out of genuine leather and can get a little pricey, but, trust me, this is something you can use for years to come. Choose this vertical one or a holder that lets you strap in bottles horizontally.
Both ship to Canada for free and usually ship within a few weeks. They also hold thermoses, water bottles and select tumblers, if wine isn't quite your thing. Just make sure you choose the colour you want before you check out and follow the seller's installation and use instructions as listed in the product descriptions.

.. I can ride to your house!
I don't even remember last time I rode a bike
Great idea
for your summer bike rides
Lol. Yes.
you want one of these for the witch wagon?
bahahaha. My 2 favourite things!
I know right??? I thought of you instantly!
yes!!! we need
Only one?
we would be so outdoorsy
, put this on your Christmas list!
That might get me into biking

for you!!
excellente idée ça