Entertainment Books: Buy Any 2 For $28

Entertainment Books: Buy Any 2 For $28

The best deal of the year so far is for today only with Entertainment Books.  Buy any two books and they will be just $28 for the pair.

This deal was on last year for $29 for two books so this year the deal got even sweeter.  You will need to pay $1 shipping per book but even with the shipping cost it is still the lowest price of the year.

Depending on where you live, these books can run all the way up to $50 each so if you are someone that lives in a city that sells them for $50, instead of paying $100 for two you will just be paying  just $28.  That means you can save up to 72% off the total cost of these books which is a crazy deal!

They come jammed packed with coupons for various places and events.  You will find coupons for eating out, local attractions, movies, sporting events, clothing, local stores and much much more.  They are really worth it and since this deal requires you buy two, you can give one to a friend as a gift.,  The other option you have is splitting the cost with a friend so that you would each just pay $14 for your own book.  Either way it is a great deal to take advantage of.

(Expiry: 28th February 2013)


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