Now for a deal of a different kind. eBay Canada is offering free listings for five days, plus you can upgrade to the ten-day listing (usually costs extra) for free as well. This is the perfect time to do a little spring-cleaning and list your items on eBay free of charge. No money spent, no money lost.
You may be thinking that this is not that great of a promotion, but it is - trust me on this. I am a casual eBay seller, which means I list about four things a month. Generally, they are the same four things until one of them sells and then I add in something new. I mainly list my items when these eBay promotions come around because I am not willing to pay to sell items, especially when I have to pay eBay and Paypal when an item sells. Last month, I saved nearly $7 in insertion fees and upgrades (ten-day listings, etc.) by taking advantage of these promotions.
While this promotion may seem small, it can quickly add up.
eBay Canada has also made changes to the way they do their regular 'free' listings outside of this promotion. Many categories are now excluded, and re-listing is no longer free. However, you can select a box while making your listing that will automatically re-list your item up to three times (or maybe two), for free. If you do not check this box then your item will not re-list for free and you will have to pay for it. This came as a shock to be when I started ebay-ing again.
eBay can be a slow arduous process because the website has millions of items on it, so exposure can limit your item's selling potential. Here are some tips to selling on eBay:
- Use social media. Tell your friends and your family what you are selling and ask them to help spread the word.
- When tweeting, hashtag or '@' the company that makes the item you are selling. When people are looking up that brand, they will find your associated message.
- Choose a good title for your listing with lots of details and key words like material, colour, designer name, the word designer, etc.
- Include as many details as possible and always disclose all information regarding condition.
- Take good pictures and include a lot of them!
(Expiry: 30th August 2014)