Dell Canada Mothers Day Deals!

Dell Canada Mothers Day Deals!

Dell are offering loads of items on special offer for Mother’s Day. Most of them seem to be pink, but don’t let that put you off!!

There are quite a lot of items to choose from, and they’re not necessarily Mother’s Day gifts. Some are just things you could treat yourself with!


The 7” ViewSonic digital picture frame looks like a good idea (pictured  right)!

  • Click here to see the Viewsonic digital frame for $49.99 @

I don’t actually own one of these yet… one of the few gadgets that is not yet in my home! This is one item that I think would be excellent for a Mother’s Day gift. You could load it up with great pics of the family, kids, grandkids, etc. Then wrap it and give it to mom as a present.

How about a Roomba (pictured left)? Getting mom a vacuum cleaner for Mother’s Day always seems a little bit sexist… but in the case of the Roomba, I think it’s a really good idea! Most people nowadays have tiles or hardwood floors, and the Roomba is excellent on these.

  • Click here to see the Red Roomba for $199.99 @ Dell Canada.

It’s funny that if you check on youtube, the Roomba seems to be utilised more as a cat vehicle than a vacuum cleaner! Do you have a Roomba, do you like it?

Is your mom technically savvy? How about that Sony ebook reader? (pictured below right) Well, actually, forget about mom, I recommend you get this one yourself. This is the exact same model that I own, same color and everything. I bought it a few months ago, and haven’t looked back!

  • Click here to see the Sony reader for $329.99 @ Dell Canada.

I managed to get a hold of about 7GB of sci-fi ebooks, and have them saved on my PC. I can then transfer a few at a time onto the reader, and read them at my leisure. People always seem funny when I show them my Sony reader. They think that they wouldn’t like it, as they’d miss the feel of a real book. But the Sony ebook reader is so great, that I feel myself reaching to the top corner to manually turn the page! Right now, I’m reading “Twilight” and it’s a real digital page turner!

EVERYTHING HAS FREE SHIPPING! There’s possibly free cashback @ Dealguild too.


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