Daily Deal @ Justthebestdeal: myGlovins For $15!

Daily Deal @ Justthebestdeal: myGlovins For $15!


Justthebestdeal.com, one of the many group buy sites in Canada, has an interesting deal on for the next few days. They're offering a pair of myGlovin's for only $15 with free shipping!

If you've never heard of them, they're special gloves which will work on your touch screen phones, like your iPhones. I'll paste in the description, because they can describe better than me:

myGlovin are everyday knit gloves reinvented for a touch screen world. They are gloves you can text, type and call with. Knitted with a special conductive material, myGlovins allow users to effectively operate iPhones, iPads, Droids, MP3 players and all other capacitive touch screen devices while staying warm.

I checked on the myGlovin website, and the gloves are normally $34.50 + shipping and taxes, so to get them for $15 sounds good to me.

I've heard of people cutting off the tip of the glove on their index finger just to be able to text while keeping the rest of your hand warm... myGlovins are probably a better solution!


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