What better way to save money! This piggy bank features an adorable little white kitty that will reach out and steal your coins. Saving has never been this much fun, and you can even save money on the kitty bank. Today, grab the Mischief Saving Box Stealing Coin White Kitty Piggy Bank at Amazon Canada for $16.99 - but hurry, this offer ends at midnight tonight.
The Mischief Saving Box Stealing Kitty is going to inspire you to place coins all day long, which will start off a good savings as well. This deal is already 35% claimed so I don't imagine it will last much longer - don't let it run out and miss the opportunity. It is sold by Luminescence eBoutique and fulfilled by Amazon.
Just place your coin on the little fish emblem, and press. Soon enough, the little mechanical kitty will pop up and steal the coins away to help you save. This money bank is sold by Luminescence eBoutique and fulfilled by Amazon.
Get free shipping on orders over $35 at Amazon.ca - maybe you know a friend that would like one of these banks?