Chapters Canada:Free eBook & $10 Indigo Gift Card with $99 Kobo Touch

Chapters Canada:Free eBook & $10 Indigo Gift Card with $99 Kobo Touch

Since the Kobo Touch at Chapters Canada has dropped in price to just $99, they have added 2 bonuses to sweeten the deal.  For a limited time only, you will also get free shipping, a free eBook and a free $10 Indigo gift card when you purchase the Kobo Touch.

Not only will you get a great deal on the Kobo Touch, but you will get the eBook Ablutions: by Patrick DeWitt for free, a free $10 Indigo gift card and free shipping.  That is a great deal!

Here is a customer review of the Kobo Touch:

I've had it for about a year now and I've been using it almost every day. It's great for long bus rides on commutes to and from my university. It's also been a nice change since I tend to read multiple books at a time and it often left me carrying multiple books in a giant purse but now I don't need to do that so it's been quite the improvement. I haven't had any problems with it at all!

They have both black and white available for this price.  To get your free eBook, you will be given a code at the checkout when you buy your Kobo Touch and you can  download here after you have the code.  Just follow the simple instructions and it will be yours free.

If you're buying anything else from Chapters, don't forget to use the coupon code JUNE2012 until June 30th to save $5 on purchases $30 or more. Just a shame it doesn't work on electronics! You will find all Chapters coupons on our forum.

(Expiry:Limited time offer)


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