Chapters Canada: Kids Encyclopedias 3 for $10

Chapters Canada: Kids Encyclopedias 3 for $10

If you have kids at home or need to buy for a child, then Chapters Canada has a great deal that is worth checking out.  They have their kids encyclopedias on sale for 3 books for $10.

I had a set of kids encyclopedias when I was younger and I loved them.  I know nowadays you can Google anything, but there is something about the experience of looking something up in an actual book and learning from it.  I used to be a teacher and found that a lot of kids relied on that sense of actually holding the books and looking at the pictures and learning rather than just reading about something on the internet.

These encyclopedias come in a variety of categories such as weather, space, sea, dogs, body, earth and much much more.  They have beautiful pictures and are geared towards children.  You will be able to choose any three of them and once you have three of them in your cart the total before taxes will be just $10.

As an added bonus, use theChapters Canada coupon codeMARCH2013 to save an additional $5 on a $30 spend. Chapters Canada offers free shipping for all orders $25 or more, which is also a great deal.

(Expiry: Unknown)


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