Purchase a Kobo Arc at Chapters Canada and receive a free Kobo Sleepcover valued at $50.
The cost of a Kobo Arc depends on what size you get:
- 16GB Kobo Arc - $199.99
- 32GB Kobo Arc - $249.99
- 64GB Kob Arc - $299.99
You have your chocie of black or white. The Kobo Arc may be called a reader, but it fully functions as a tablet complete with an Android operating system and colour display. Listen to music, read books, play games, and browse the internet.
You must add the sleepcoverto your cart (it will not add automatically). Add the Kobo Arc and then the sleepcover of your choice and then it will discount the sleep cover to free. You have your choice of three different colours:
Its a nice little bonus to go along with your new tablet.
(Expiry: 28th March 2013)