Chapters Canada has many great books for only $5. Don't forget that you get free shipping on orders over $25 and you can get $5 off with this coupon code on orders over $30. That means you can get six great books for only $25 with free shipping.
I love books; this is very evident when you walk into my home and see them strewn all over my house. What I hate is paying full-price for books (or anything really), so I often take them out of the library or buy them at used book sales. But, with prices as low as these, I can also get them from Chapters!
Here are six books from Chapters Canada that are only $5 (but that you can get for only $25 all together)!
Michael Buble, the unofficial biography is only $5. Learn about the iconic Canadian crooner's rise to fame.
Cleaving, A Story of Marriage, Meat and Obsession is the story of the author of Julie & Julia, a book where Julie cooks Julia's recipes every day for a year and what happens after the book is out.
Blood's A Rover by James Ellroy is the end of a series and known as his largest and greatest work of fiction.
Things I've Been Silent About is the memories of Azar Nafisi, who grew up in Tehran.
Charles Dickens Celebration of His Life marks the 200th anniversary of the famous literary master's birth.
The Rolling Stones: In the Beginning is a behind-the-scenes portrayal of the band with rare insights into their famous lives.
(Expiry: Unknown)