Canadian Tire: George Foreman Electric Grill for only $14.99!

Canadian Tire: George Foreman Electric Grill for only $14.99!

I think we’ve all heard of the George Foreman grills! If you haven’t, you’re behind the times!! Here we have an offer on a small indoor grill at Canadian Tire.

Where: Online @Canadian Tire
Item number: 99-8901-4
Price: $14.99

Keep in mind that this isn’t a full size version, it would really only be suitable for 1 or 2 people. Also, the plates are fixed, and you cannot just pop them in the dishwasher! These are supposed to be pretty healthy for cooking though, and you can be surprised when you see how much juicy fat oozes out of your lovely food!! My elder sister has a similar one, and she uses it all the time!

You can order online if you like, you’d have to pay a bit extra for shipping (I’d go through DealGuild for 3.5% casback too). Or, reserve it online and collect it at your local Canadian Tire store.

That image is making me hungry, I'm off to find some snacks!
- Anna


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