Call It Spring is offering 50% off the original price of all the handbags in their clearance section.
There are some terribly adorable bags in this sale. My favourites tend to be animal themed like this Gorizia cat clutch complete with ears, and stitched on eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers. The gold stitching on black looks really pretty and I cannot begin to express how cute this bag is. Originally $30, it is now on sale for $15.
Pair your little cat clutch up with your new Kallman backpack which has meow scrawled across the back in white (on a black background) and features little cat ears up at the top. Originally $40, the backpack is on sale now for $20.
If you are more into fluffy little creatures who like carrots, this Gavardo handbag is round with little bunny ears sticking out of it. It comes with a shoulder strap for convenient carrying. Originally $25, it is now on sale for $12.50.
You can also pick up the Grimme backpack in black/white which features a cat print (looks like a leopard's head) all over it. The backpack was $40 and is now $20.
Pick up these great deals and many more during the sale.
Get free shipping on orders of $50 or else shipping is just $5.
(Expiry: Unknown)