Budget Friendly Kids' Beds from $80.99 @ Wayfair.ca

Budget Friendly Kids' Beds from $80.99 @ Wayfair.ca

Putting the kids to bed can be exhausting - the constant need for one more story, a drink, needing to try to go to the bathroom again, you know the stall tactics. But, if they had one of these beds, bedtime might just get a little easier. I mean, who wouldn't want to go to sleep in a firetruck bed or princess carriage?!

If you've got a kiddo who's about to graduate to a toddler or big kid bed, check out these budget-friendly, super cool options at Wayfair.ca. They're all under $500, and start as low as $80.99!

Choose from classic beds to loft and bunk beds. Or go for something with a bit more flare. Check these out:

Shipping is free on orders over $75.


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