Get your international purchases shipped to Canada for 25% less with this coupon from Bargainmoose and Borderlinx.
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- Coupon Code: MAPLE25
- Discount: 25% off
- Expiry: 31st December 2013
Every once in a while I find a deal on an American website that is so good that I will gladly ship it to a shipping depot on the American side of the border and drive the 60 - 90 minutes to get it. If I'm lucky the border guards will just let me through, but usually I need to pay. It stinks, but sometimes the deal is just too good or (as is most often the case with me) the item just doesn't ship to Canada.
That system works for me, but what about the people in The Pas, MB? What are they going to do, drive eight and a half hours to Bottineau? It's not like they're in the big city and can take a 90 minute drive to Noyes! Come on, be serious for a minute.
People in The Pas need to sign up for Borderlinx and have their orders shipped somewhere local to the retailer, and then shipped to them. Shipping prices vary wildly depending on where you are, where you are shopping and what you are getting. I'm going to say that a babushka from Russia will cost more to ship than a silken ascot from Hayes, KS. Of course, a fridge from Japan is probably going to cost you significantly more than the Russian Babushka and the silken ascot from Kansas.
Regardless of the cost, this coupon code will save you 25% off one shipment to Canada. Get out there and make those international Boxing Week deals worth it! Signing up is free, and there is no monthly fee. Just pay-per-ship.