BookCloseOuts Canada: 50% Off Thousands of Paperback Titles

BookCloseOuts Canada: 50% Off Thousands of Paperback Titles

Book Closeouts Canada wants you have an arsenal ready for your summer reading. They have thousands of paperback titles on sale for 50% off.

Watch for the sunglass icon to see which items are 50% and included in this sale. There are over 5000 selections for this sale, so if you know a book you'd like to read, simply search for it and watch for the icon.

  • At the City's Edge is a mystery and detective fiction, now only $2.99 with a list price of $18.99
  • The Worst Years of Life is a collection of short stories, which sound very interesting, now only $2.49, regularly $15
  • What's Your Number had a movie made from its story, and is now only $2.49, regularly $14.99.

As an added bonus, Bargainmoose has three exclusive coupon codes that will save you anywhere between $5 and $20, depending on how much you spend on your order.

Shipping is $3.99 per shipment, plus $0.75 a book.

(Expiry: 13th May 2013)


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