BookCloseouts has tons of items on sale right now and we are able to save even more. For 2 days only, you will be able to save an additional 30% off of everything for Boxing Day.
There is no need for a coupon code to get these deals. The lowest ticketed price has already been factored in the additional 30% off for these 2 days only.
BookCloseouts has recently lowered the cost of shipping but it is still better to purchase a few items at a time to save money in the long run.
As an added bonus, you can use any of the Bargainmoose exclusive BookCloseout coupon codes to save you additional money: bmoose_5off will save you an additional $5 when you spend $35 or more, bmoose_10off will save you $10 when you spend $65 or more and bmoose_20off will save you $20 when you spend $120 or more. You will also need the password bookcloseouts to use these coupons.
Check out the Bargainmoose Boxing Day dashboard for more amazing deals!
(Ends 27th December 2012)